Sunni Hindi Jantri 2024 for All Islamic dates, Urdu Calendar 2024 app Islamic Urdu calendar 2024. This free calendar includes a calendar for all months, festivals, holidays, Shub Muhurt - wedding dates, vehicle purchase dates, housewarming dates / Griha Pravesh dates. It also contains details of Masa, Vaar, Tariku, Paksha, Karna, Yoga, Tithi, Nakshatra, Amavasya, Rahu kala, Yamagata / Yama Ghanta, Gulika / Guli Kalam, Panchangam, Kundali & HolidaysIslamic calendar 2023 in Islamic language - one can easily find the timing and position of sunrise, sunset,The Hijri Islamic calendar also has the following months: Muharram, Safar, Rabiul-Awwal, Rabi-uthani,Get all the festivals, sightings, celebrations, etc. dates throughout the month2023 Islamic festival, celebration detailsList of Muslim holidaysChristian 2023 Tribute ListList of Muslim holidays 2023List of Christian holidaysUrdu auspicious days like Ramzan, Eid,View list of Islamic events, hijra date converter, moon phases